接口 CodecEmbedder<E>

DecoderEmbedder, EncoderEmbedder

public interface CodecEmbedder<E>

A helper that wraps an encoder or a decoder (codec) so that they can be used without doing actual I/O in unit tests or higher level codecs. Please refer to EncoderEmbedder and DecoderEmbedder for more information.

 boolean finish()
          Signals the pipeline that the encoding or decoding has been finished and no more data will be offered.
 boolean offer(java.lang.Object input)
          Offers an input object to the pipeline of this embedder.
 E peek()
          Reads an encoded or decoded output from the head of the product queue.
 E poll()
          Consumes an encoded or decoded output from the product queue.
 java.lang.Object[] pollAll()
          Consumes all encoded or decoded output from the product queue.
<T> T[]
pollAll(T[] a)
          Consumes all encoded or decoded output from the product queue.
 int size()
          Returns the number of encoded or decoded output in the product queue.



boolean offer(java.lang.Object input)
Offers an input object to the pipeline of this embedder.

true if and only if there is something to read in the product queue (see poll() and peek())


boolean finish()
Signals the pipeline that the encoding or decoding has been finished and no more data will be offered.

true if and only if there is something to read in the product queue (see poll() and peek())


E poll()
Consumes an encoded or decoded output from the product queue. The output object is generated by the offered input objects.

an encoded or decoded object. null if and only if there is no output object left in the product queue.


E peek()
Reads an encoded or decoded output from the head of the product queue. The difference from poll() is that it does not remove the retrieved object from the product queue.

an encoded or decoded object. null if and only if there is no output object left in the product queue.


java.lang.Object[] pollAll()
Consumes all encoded or decoded output from the product queue. The output object is generated by the offered input objects. The behavior of this method is identical with Collection.toArray() except that the product queue is cleared.

an array of all encoded or decoded objects. An empty array is returned if and only if there is no output object left in the product queue.


<T> T[] pollAll(T[] a)
Consumes all encoded or decoded output from the product queue. The output object is generated by the offered input objects. The behavior of this method is identical with Collection.toArray(Object[]) except that the product queue is cleared.

an array of all encoded or decoded objects. An empty array is returned if and only if there is no output object left in the product queue.


int size()
Returns the number of encoded or decoded output in the product queue.