软件包 org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame

Extensible decoder and its common implementations which deal with the packet fragmentation and reassembly issue found in a stream-based transport such as TCP/IP.


DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder A decoder that splits the received ChannelBuffers by one or more delimiters.
Delimiters A set of commonly used delimiters for DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder.
FixedLengthFrameDecoder A decoder that splits the received ChannelBuffers by the fixed number of bytes.
FrameDecoder Decodes the received ChannelBuffers into a meaningful frame object.
LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder A decoder that splits the received ChannelBuffers dynamically by the value of the length field in the message.
LengthFieldPrepender An encoder that prepends the length of the message.

CorruptedFrameException An Exception which is thrown when the received frame data can not be decoded by a FrameDecoder implementation.
TooLongFrameException An Exception which is thrown when the length of the frame decoded by DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder is greater than the maximum.

软件包 org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame 的描述

Extensible decoder and its common implementations which deal with the packet fragmentation and reassembly issue found in a stream-based transport such as TCP/IP.