软件包 org.jboss.netty.util.internal

Internal-use-only utilities which is not allowed to be used outside Netty.



ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> An alternative ConcurrentMap implementation which is similar to ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap<K,V> An alternative identity-comparing ConcurrentMap which is similar to ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentIdentityWeakKeyHashMap<K,V> An alternative weak-key identity-comparing ConcurrentMap which is similar to ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentWeakKeyHashMap<K,V> An alternative weak-key ConcurrentMap which is similar to ConcurrentHashMap.
ConversionUtil Conversion utility class to parse a property represented as a string or an object.
ExecutorUtil Shuts down a list of Executors.
LinkedTransferQueue<E> An unbounded BlockingQueue based on linked nodes.
SharedResourceMisuseDetector Warn when user creates too many instances to avoid OutOfMemoryError.
StackTraceSimplifier Simplifies an exception stack trace by removing unnecessary StackTraceElements.
StringUtil String utility class.
SystemPropertyUtil Accesses the system property swallowing a SecurityException.
UnterminatableExecutor 通过封装Executor禁止一个Executor的关闭.

软件包 org.jboss.netty.util.internal 的描述

Internal-use-only utilities which is not allowed to be used outside Netty.